The DL deal

Well, I am kinda disappointed. I was expecting to have my driver's license yesterday but I didn't get it. It was raining and it's against the OMV policy to conduct road tests during bad weather.

I woke up so early yesterday (with a lil hours of sleep) to be at the OMV on it's first office hours that I could take the written exam as well as the road test in the morning while the heavy downpour is at the other side of the county. I've waited for my turn only to be told that I got to undergo a 6-hour-class relating to driving  per OMV policy (for first time applicants) before I could take the tests. From then on, my day was ruined. Sitting in that room for 6 hours is not a joke. There was a lot in my mind - leaving my toddler for the whole day, catching up OMV's office hours and exams stress.

So I did take the 6-hour-class that ended at 2:30 in the afternoon. I enjoyed the class, though. Headed to the OMV after a long period of sitting. Waited for my number to be called with butterflies in tummy. Finally, number 50 was called. Talked to an unapproachable personnel. Papers were accepted and was allowed to take the written test. Fifteen minutes later, the test was over. PASSED! Whew! that was tough.

Right when I was ready for road test, heavy downpour came! Road test is cancelled! Tsk! Great! Now I gotta go back again on Friday. Hopefully, there would be no hindrances. I am so ready to be on the road, to work and earn.


Rick (Ratty) said…
Going down to those places is never fun. There's always so much waiting. They don't do that kind of road test where I live anymore. They make people go pay a private company for that now.
StaLira said…
Thank you for stopping by, Ratty.

The DMV still does the road tests and there are also driving schools that offer such but with a corresponding payment of $25 or more.
Zezebel said…
I still don't have my driver license. planning to do it this year. Hehehehehe....
HiPnCooLMoMMa said…
hope everything pushes through as scheduled. good luck on the road test
StaLira said…
Zezebel - Good luck on your plan.


HipnCoolMama - thank you.
jellybelly said…
Gives you more time to practice :) Goodluck!
Rare Recel said…
Haaay life! But you passed the written test anyway so road test nalang ang i-conquer! You'll make it still, ikaw pa! Ayaw baya ko abog-abogi sa kalsada ha? Lol
_el@i_ said…
good thing I never experienced those. i got my driver's license throught a fixer. hehehe. anyway, congrats on passing the test! and good luck on your upcoming road test.
Cheryl M. said…
That really stinks! I remember how nervous I was the day of my road test...can't believe you have to wait and do all that waiting again!
Tetcha said…
Think of it this way; a postponement in your road test is one day more of practice; that will definitely make you better. Good luck on your road test, and thanks for the visit!

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