Getting ready to clean up typhoon Dannielle aftermath

Everyday, typhoon Dannielle signal no. 10 hits my house lol. Most stuff are cluttered in the kitchen, living area, foyer and two rooms -- her bedroom and office. The lil one has access to the areas I mentioned above but not in my bedroom where there are so much to break and guest bathroom. One time I forgot to close the guest bathroom door, when I came back, stuff toys and hair bows are enjoying while floating in the nasty water in the toilet bowl. It made me laugh but it is a lesson for me to be very careful and keep an extra eye to the 'lil one.

So tonight while she is sleeping, I am off to clean her mess. Couldn't use a vacuum, only my bestfriend, walis tambo (an asian floor sweeper). There are so many to pick up and bring to its proper places such as toys, kitchen utensils (I give it to her as toys when she's bored), pillows, books, paper and marker (she loves to write) and a whole lot more.

So long pals! I will be back when I can, maybe tomorrow or some other days.


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