Thank you, MIL

I just wanna make a short post to thank a dear person.

Today I wanna thank the MIL for buying a lot of clothes for my 'lil girl. She is so thoughtful that everytime she goes shopping, there is always one for her granddaughter. Just like today, she went somewhere else. I got a call when she came home informing she got something for DD. Now I am going to her house to pick those stuff. More to fill the 'lil girl's closet.


Twerlyn said…
naa ko secret tell nimo Lir..dili musugot ako bana palit ug mga sanina akong mga anak kay ma spoiled daw..sayang oi perme baya unta shopping c MIL nako..hehe! puno na unta tukador sa akong mga bata kung sugot lang banana nako hehe!!
StaLira said…
hehe akong bana sad Ler parehas sila sa imong lalabs. d sad ganahan mopalit pero ok ra nuon sya kng akoang warta ang ipalit. way puangod jud! hehe

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