Haagen-Daz' Passion Profiles Series

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Haagen Dazs. All opinions are 100% mine.

Music, oh how I love thee. I can not just easily disregard this passion of mine, trust me on that, and I would make it a point to leave  footprints of my singing legacy in the memories of my friends and family. Yes, I do love to sing, not as good as those high-caliber recording artists  like Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion or Taylor Swift though. In fact, I uploaded videos of me singing on You Tube. So far, I am satisfied with the way viewers responded to my videos and of course, my ability to sing.

As far as I can remember, music is in my blood. My Uncles and Aunts, both maternal and paternal sides, are very much into music. They were into local bands when they were young. They do still play and sing up to this date  but no more gigs in clubs or bars, just in their own respective homes. I learned to play the guitar by myself with the inspiration of my beloved Uncles. When singing is the subject, nobody taught me how. It just came out naturally. It has become a passion of mine since I was five years old. I used to be a choir member, singing contest buff and wedding singer before I decided to migrate. They said that if it's in your blood, nobody can stop you from doing it and it is true. Migration didn't stop me from pursuing what I love the most. I still do sing with friends around, no more contests and so on so forth though.
Karaoke time! The lil one holding a microphone, ready to take the center stage.

And guess what, my daughter loves to sing as well. She is only two years old but she knows a lot of songs and sing it passionately. That's the true color of blood there. Hopefully, she would pursue her talent and use it in God's will.

In connection to  PASSION, I am inviting you to visit www.passionfiles.ca and check out the Passion Profiles series brought to you by the finest ice cream maker in the world, the Haagen-Daz. And if you are fond of Jann Arden, Musician, visit the PASSION PROFILES' website, on September 8, 2010 as he will be featured on the website on that certain date. Frequent www.passionfiles.ca as well for the coming PASSION PROFILES of famous personalities across Canada.

Let's get to know the people we love to see on television.

Visit my sponsor: Our Passion is Ice Cream


""rarejonRez"" said…
I love Haagen-Daz ice cream! And I love music, too! Pero ikaduha ra ko nimo sa tingog Lir! Nindot man kaayo ka ug birit gid! Hehe... Contest ni nga post? Unta makadaug... :D
StaLira said…
na d gud na contest cel...atikan ra og sakto aron maabot 200 words haha

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