Road to addiction recovery

Addiction is a condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit especially on being compulsive dependent on narcotic drugs. I am aware that it is like a virus that stays in the system longer if ain't treated quickly. My cousin is one of the pains of the society. He started stoning himself when he was in high school, he's twenty-five years old now and is in jail for shoplifting. For so many times that he'd been in trouble, his mother who happens to be my Aunt, did not extend her hand anymore. He has to learn his lesson to be a responsible child to his mother, a father to his six-year-old son and a role model to his younger siblings.

Help. How much help does he need? He needs a lot! He's drowned into so many habit-forming substances for nearly a decade now. It is sad to see him slowly killing himself as well as the life of his kid. He's been in and out of the correctional. Just imagine how much time he wasted, not seeing his child grow. My cousin is still young. There is still time for him to decide, to drag himself into the nearest rehabilitation center where he'd stay for a while depending on his recovery.

Meanwhile, I also want to share the situation of a friend in Florida. She is a pain killer dependent. I dunno how and where she gets it but she is always stoned, a situation that makes her children aloof of her. She has to start the opiate withdrawal to bring her family back. I will be talking to her on the phone maybe tomorrow. Hopefully, she is not stoned that we could talk soberly.

I love the people I mentioned above, thus, turning them away is not helpful. 


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