Once upon a time...
...there's a kid who enjoyed being in the Mall of Louisiana's playland.
And since there's no drums in the said place, she made her own in the presence of the ladybug.
When sliding time came, she pulled her mama off the chair to be of help while she climbed up to the tree slide.
"Weeeeeeee..." she said while sliding down the tree slide, again and again and again.
Done with the tree slide, she then dominated the other slide, the bee slide and sat on the steps for awhile impeding the flow of the traffic. LOL.
Came lunchtime and she ain't done playing. She wanted to stay but her Dada and Mama were hungry as well as the the place was crowded with big kids occupying most of the toys. The lil girl agreed to eat with her parents. Later on, she forgot about going back and didn't bother to ask anymore.
Have a nice weekend. :)