Dating tips for short guys and tall women

Here are the tips written by Elizabeth Roehrig:

Hurdle #1: Fewer men approach tall women
Many of my tall friends, myself included, are very open to dating shorter men—the problem is often that they steer clear of us, thinking that we’re “too tall” given the expectation that guys will loom over their dates. Patricia Barba, 34, of Greenwich, CT, who’s just shy of six feet, had a male co-worker spell out to her why she’s so often left on the sidelines. “We were at our holiday party, and a co-worker who’s around my height asked if I’d like to dance. I said yes and mentioned that not many men ask me to dance, and he said it’s because men must find my height imposing. That was hard to hear!” Other times, men aren’t so straightforward and their preferences come across in the form of a subtler snub. “When I’m out at a bar, I’m the one who talks to all the guys and gets the conversation going,” says Richelle, 27, who’s 6’ and from Boston. “But usually at the end of the evening, the guy I’ve been talking to will say, ‘Who’s your friend?’ And inevitably the girl he’s interested in is one of my shorter pals
Read more here.


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