Fertility Treatments

There are couple who barely can't conceive a child because of infertility. If you're you are one of them, then this info is best for you to read.

Looking for the cause

Since the causes of infertility are just as likely to lie with the man as with the woman, both halves of a couple should have some basic tests if they are having trouble getting pregnant. All of these can be done at your regular gynecologist’s office (or, in the case of semen analysis, at the urologist), are inexpensive, and in many cases will be covered by insurance. “It makes sense to start with these non-invasive tests since they can yield a lot of meaningful information very easily,” says Minkin.

  • Semen analysis: It takes two to make a baby, so it’s important for the male partner to have his semen analyzed to screen for any potential problems. A lab will analyze the sample to check for the volume of sperm, the thickness of the fluid, the motility of the sperm (how fast they swim around), and the shape of the sperm.
  • Ovulation predictor kit: You can buy these over the counter at the drug store for about $30. These kits will help you determine whether or not you are ovulating on a regular schedule (and, if you are, alert you as to your most fertile times of the month).
  • Blood test: Around day 22 of your cycle, your doctor can do some simple blood tests to look at your levels of hormones like progesterone and prolactin—which can affect ovulation.
  • Hysterogram: If you appear to be ovulating just fine, your doctor may want to assess the condition of your fallopian tubes. In this procedure, the doctor injects dye into the tubes and uses as x-ray to look for any blockages that could be preventing the passage of the egg and sperm as they attempt to fertilize and then travel to the uterus.read the whole info here from MSN


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