OB appointment again

(at the clinic)

Early 10 this morning, we headed ourselves to the Womens Hospital for our regular check-up. As I've said before, the monthly check-up was rescheduled twice a month and this is the first. Two weeks after, we're gonna go back again for another check-up.

So far, it went well. My tummy's measurement is perfect as well as baby's heartbeat. My weight and blood pressure are fine as well. The only thing that I should give attention is my sugar intake. I have to see a dietrician for a plan on my next visit. No more too much sugary foods for me till I give birth. Poor Lira!


Rowena78 said…
Hi... saw ur blog through Jamie. Congratulations. I am 19 weeks pregnant and have a 8 months old baby. I got gestational diabetes when I was 6 mos. pregnant of my 1st baby. I got meal plan from a dietrician so to limit starchy and sweet food. They asked me to have 6 small meals everyday intead of 3 big meals. Well at first it's hard for me cause I love to eat rice, but I got use to it. They also gave me a blood sugar meter so i could check my blood sugar 3 times a day after meal. Good Luck and God Bless you.
Hi lira! wait until your almost on your due date you gonna go to the clinic like every week and your Dr. keep checking your cervics just driving me nuts :)

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